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Defining the properties of the telescope

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In order to build a data cube, we need to describe the properties of the telescope used to observe the model.

Using the telecope function, a single telescope object is generated with a set number of expected properties. These properties are used with the observing_strategy to describe a specific observation. You can fully specify the particulars of your chosen telescope or you can select from a number of inbuilt telescopes designed to mimic current IFS surveys.

The following code shows the default parameters used in the telescope function. Calling the function without specifying any input will produce a telescope object with the following properties:

telescope(type="IFU",                # specify a type or define your own using "IFU"
          fov=15,                    # diameter of the field-of-view in arcsec          
          wave_range=c(3700,5700),   # in angstrom
          wave_centre,               # wave_centre is auto-generated if not supplied
          wave_res=1.5,              # wavelength resolution in angstrom
          spatial_res=0.5,           # spatial resolution in arcsec
          filter="g",                # luminosities output in this band  
          lsf_fwhm=3.2,              # spectral uncertainty due to instrument in angstrom
          signal_to_noise = NA)      # target signal-to-noise ratio, default is no noise

Input parameters Output parameters See an example See the source code

As of version 2.2.0, the method input parameter has been moved directly to the build_datacube function. For backwards compatibility, this parameter can still be specified here, but a warning will be issued.

Input Parameters

type A character string describing the type of telescope you wish to create. Default is "IFU", in which case the telescope properties are described by the input parameters to this function. Other input types include: "SAMI", "MaNGA", "CALIFA" and "MUSE". With these, the telescope properties are set to the default parameters specified by the respective instrument.
fov A numeric describing the diameter of the field-of-view of the telescope in arcsec.
aperture_shape A character string describing the shape of the field-of-view. Options include: "circular", "hexagonal", and "square".
wave_range Two numeric parameters describing the beginning and end of the wavelength range visible to the telescope, given in angstrom. Format is expected c(wave_start, wave_end), and errors will be issued if not in this format.
wave_centre A numeric parameter describing the centre of the wavelength range in angstrom. If no wave_centre is provided, SimSpin assumes that the central wavelength is at the centre of the wavelength range provided above.
wave_res A numeric that gives the resolution of the wavelength axis of the telescope in angstrom. For a given wave_range, this resolution defines the width of the bins along that range.
spatial_res A numeric that gives the resolution of the spatial axis of the telescope in arcsec. For a given fov, this resolution defines the width of the pixels within the observation produced.
filter A character string that describes which band to use to calculate luminoisity at the telescope. Options include: "r", "g", "u", "i", and "z" and use the SDSS filter bandpass functions to compute the luminosity that would be detected in that band.
lsf_fwhm A numeric describing the full-width half-maximum of the Gaussian line-spread-function of the telescope in units of angstrom, i.e. the spectral uncertainty of the underlying spectrograph used in the observation.
signal_to_noise A numeric describing the target signal-to-noise ratio at any pixel.

Output Parameters

The output of telescope is a List element that will be stored as a variable to the environment.

The list will contain the following 12 elements:

  1. type - Character element recording the requested telescope type. Must be one of "IFU", "SAMI", "MaNGA", "MUSE" or "Hector".

  2. fov - Numeric element describing the diameter of the field-of-view in arcseconds.

  3. aperture_shape - Character element recording the shape of the field-of-view. Must be one of "circular", "hexagonal" or "square".

  4. wave_range - Numeric element of length 2 describing the beginning and end of the wavelength axis in angstrom.

  5. wave_centre - Numeric element describing the centre of the wavelength axis in angstrom.

  6. wave_res - Numeric element describing the width of each bin on the wavelength axis in angstrom.

  7. spatial_res - Numeric element describing the width of each spatial pixel in arcseconds.

  8. filter_name - A character string element describing the name of the filter used. Could be “r_SDSS”, “g_SDSS”, “u_SDSS”, “i_SDSS” or “z_SDSS”.

  9. filter - A data.table element with two columns:

    wave Numeric element describing the wavelengths at which the spectral reponse has been computed for a given spectral filter.
    response Numeric element describing the spectral response of that requested filter, given as a fraction.
  10. lsf_fwhm - Numeric element describing the line-spread-function full-width-half-maximum of the spectrograph in the specified telescope. Given in units of angstrom.

  11. signal_to_noise - Numeric element describing the maximum signal-to-noise ratio per pixel.

  12. sbin - Numeric element describing the number of spatial pixels across the diameter of the aperture.


Start by building a telescope using the default parameters:

scope = telescope()

We can inspect the object produced and see that the default parameters have been stored as a list.

#                 Length Class      Mode     
# type            1      -none-     character
# fov             1      -none-     numeric  
# aperture_shape  1      -none-     character
# wave_range      2      -none-     numeric  
# wave_centre     1      -none-     numeric  
# wave_res        1      -none-     numeric  
# spatial_res     1      -none-     numeric  
# filter          2      data.table list     
# lsf_fwhm        1      -none-     numeric  
# signal_to_noise 1      -none-     numeric  
# sbin            1      -none-     numeric  

To inspect individual properties of our telescope, use the named elements in one of two ways to achieve the same result:

# [1] "IFU"

# [1] "IFU"

For pre-defined type classes, certain parameters cannot be modified. Values highlighted in purple below (for example, the field-of-view for a MaNGA telescope) can be selected by adding additional parameters to the inputs.

telescope parameter units SAMI MaNGA CALIFA MUSE Hector
fov arcsec 15 n = 12, 17, 22, 27 or 32 74 n < 60 30
aperture_shape   “circular” “hexagonal” “hexagonal” “square” “hexagonal”
wave_range 1 3750 - 5750 3600 - 6350 3700 – 4750 4700.15 - 9351.4 3720 - 5910
wave_centre 1 4800 4700 4225 6975 4815
wave_res 1.04 1.04 2.7 1.25 1.60
spatial_res arcsec/pixel 0.5 0.5 1 0.2 (WFM) or 0.025 (NFM) 0.2
lsf_fwhm 2.65 2.85 2.7 2.51 1.3

1 Wave ranges and central wave lengths are quoted for the blue arm of each spectrograph as this is the wavelength range across which the kinematics are commonly measured.

For example, we can specify a variety of different field-of-views for the MaNGA telescope:

# MaNGA telescope with 22" field-of-view
manga_22 = telescope(type="MaNGA", fov = 22)

# MaNGA telescope with 12" field-of-view
manga_12 = telescope(type="MaNGA", fov = 12)

The field-of-view (and hence the number of spatial bins, sbin) in each output list will change, but all other telescope properties remain consistent. We can check this with a verbose little loop:

for (each in names(manga_12)){ 
    # for each element in the telescope list
  if (!all(manga_12[[each]] == manga_22[[each]])){  
    # if the parameters do not match, let the user know.
    cat("NOT EQUAL!", each, "\n")
  } else {
    # otherwise, all good!
    cat("EQUAL:", each, "\n") 

# EQUAL: type 
# NOT EQUAL! fov  
# EQUAL: aperture_shape 
# EQUAL: wave_range 
# EQUAL: wave_centre 
# EQUAL: spatial_res 
# EQUAL: filter 
# EQUAL: wave_res 
# EQUAL: lsf_fwhm 
# EQUAL: signal_to_noise 
# NOT EQUAL! sbin 

If a parameter is requested that is not compatible with the requested telescope, the code will issue a warning. A telescope object will be produced, but the code will assume a compatible answer by either selecting the closest available option, or replacing with the most common request.

# Trying to make a MaNGA instrument with an incompatible field-of-view
manga_15 = telescope(type = "MaNGA", fov = 15)

# Warning message:
# In telescope(type = "MaNGA", fov = 15) :
# >>> WARNING! >>> 
# `fov` specified is not an option for telescope type `MaNGA`. 
# `fov` options include 12, 17, 22, 27, or 32. 
# Setting 'fov' to the nearest available option. 
# fov = 17

# Trying to make a MUSE instrument with an incompatible spatial resolution
muse_nfm = telescope(type = "MUSE", spatial_res=0.001)

# Warning message:
# In telescope(type = "MUSE", spatial_res = 0.001) :
# >>> WARNING! >>> 
# `spatial_res` specified is not an option for telescope type `MUSE`. 
# `spatial_res` options include 0.025 (NFM) or 0.2 (WFM). 
# Setting `spatial_res` to the default. 
# spatial_res = 0.2 

Or, if you request a filter whose wavelength range does not overlap with the wavelength range of the telescope, you will also receive an error:

# Trying to build an instrument with incompatible wave-length coverage and filters
telescope(type="IFU", wave_range = c(1000,3000), filter = "g")

#  Error in telescope(type = "IFU", wave_range = c(1000, 3000), filter = "g") : 
#  Error: Requested filter will not overlap with the telescope wavelength range. 
#         Please select a different filter or extend your telescope wavelength range.

Further notes on filter choice and wavelength range compatibility can be found below.


Filter Choice

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With the changes implemented in the upgrade to v2.3.8, cubes built with method = "velocity" and mass_flag = FALSE will have velocity maps weighted by the observed flux in a given filter band. Similarly, the flux_image produced will be the flux in a given filter.

Below, we show the wavelength coverage for each of the available filters within SimSpin. The filter selected in this function will need to overlap with the wavelength range of the requested telescope. If they do not overlap, SimSpin will issue an error.

Filter Name Wavelength Range, Data Shape Description
filt_u_SDSS 2980 - 4130 (47, 2) The relative response of the SDSS u-band filter across the relevant wavelength range in Angstroms.
filt_g_SDSS 3630 - 5830 (89, 2) The relative response of the SDSS g-band filter across the relevant wavelength range in Angstroms.
filt_r_SDSS 5380 - 7230 (75, 2) The relative response of the SDSS r-band filter across the relevant wavelength range in Angstroms.
filt_i_SDSS 6430 - 8630 (89, 2) The relative response of the SDSS i-band filter across the relevant wavelength range in Angstroms.
filt_z_SDSS 7730 - 11230 (141, 2) The relative response of the SDSS z-band filter across the relevant wavelength range in Angstroms.

Now that you’ve initiallised the telescope, you can move on to describing the strategy of your observing run…

Next Step: observing_strategy

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Copyright © 2022 Katherine Harborne. Distributed by an GPLv3 license.

Page last modified: Aug 24 2022 at 03:57 PM.