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Making the input file for SimSpin

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In order to build a data cube with SimSpin, we need to construct an input file.

The purpose of this input file is to prepare all the information of the supplied simulation in a consistent format. It also aims to prepare the computationally expensive steps only once (i.e. the generation of spectral weights for each star). Once we have generated a SimSpin file, that file can be used as input to build_datacube many times.

The following code shows the default parameters used in the make_simspin_file function. Calling the function without specifying anything other than the required input filename will produce a SimSpin file saved at the same directory location as the input simulation file with the following defaults.

make_simspin_file(filename,                         # REQUIRED input file 
                  disk_age = 5, disk_Z = 0.024,     # for N-body disk particles
                  bulge_age = 10, bulge_Z = 0.001,  # for N-body bulge particles
                  cores = 1, write_to_file = TRUE, 
                  output, overwrite = F,
                  template = "BC03lr",              # template choice for spectra
                  centre = NA, half_mass = NA,      # alignment choice
                  sph_spawn_n = 1)                  # gas smoothing choice

Input parameters Output parameters See an example See the source code

Input Parameters

filename The path to the snapshot file containing the galaxy of interest. Note that this file can be a Gadget binary file or an HDF5 file directly from a simulation. In the case that your simulation outputs data in an alternative format, either see this example for more information about how to set up an HDF5 file for SimSpin, or file an issue on GitHub to see the inclusion of your format in the SimSpin code directly.
cores The number of cores across which to multi-thread the problem.
disk_age The age of the disk particles in Gyr, used only if the input file is an N-body model.
bulge_age The age of the bulge particles in Gyr, used only if the input file is an N-body model.
disk_Z The metallicity of the disk particles, used only if the input file is an N-body model.
bulge_Z The metallicity of the bulge particles, used only if the input file is an N-body model.
template The stellar templates from which to derive the SEDs for each stellar particle. Options include "BC03lr" (GALEXEV low resolution, Bruzual & Charlot 2003), "BC03hr" (GALEXEV high resolution, Bruzual & Charlot 2003) and "EMILES" (Vazdekis et al 2016). The details of these templates are shown in the additional information below.
write_to_file Boolean to specify whether the list produced should be written to a “.Rdata” file or output to the environment. Default is TRUE, so that files can be re-observed without having the generate spectra each time.
output The path at which the output file is written. If not provided, file will be written at the location of the input filename with the addition of “_spectra.Rdata”.
overwrite If true, and the file already exists at the output location, a new file will be written over the old one. Default is FALSE.
centre If simulation file contains all particles cutout from a box (rather than just particles from a single galaxy), you can specify the point around which the view should be centred. Numeric length = 3. Default is NA, in which case the system is centred around the median position of stellar particles. Specified in units of kpc.
half_mass If simulation file contains all particles cutout from a box (rather than just particles from a single galaxy), you can the half-mass value at which the alignment function is run. Numeric length = 1. Default is NA, in which case half the total mass of the supplied simulation data is used. Scpecified in units of solar masses.
sph_spawn_n Numeric describing the number of gas particles with which to sample the SPH smoothing length. Default is 1, which will not spawn additional gas particles. Increasing this value increases the number of particles used to model the gas distribution. This value may need to be tested for convergence depending on the resolution of the grid used to image the gas properties at the build_datacube() stage.

Output Parameters

It is worth noting that, in SimSpin files made using < v2.6.0, the output file contained the full spectrum associated with the particle sed_id (rather than just the locations within the templates and the associated weights). This makes these files 100 times larger than they need to be, but the code will still be able to construct data cubes using these older files. If the example below does not look the same as your file, check your SimSpin version using packageVersion("SimSpin").

The output of make_simspin_file is a List element. If write_to_file = T, this list will be written to an .Rdata file at the location specified by output. Otherwise, it will be written as a variable to the environment.

The list will contain the following 4 elements:

  1. header - List element containing eight labelled properties for data transparency and reproducability.

    InputFile the file path to the original simulation file.
    OutputFile the original location that the SimSpin file was written to.
    Type the classification of the input simulation file, one of nbody, EAGLE, or Magneticum (though this list is ever growing).
    Template the spectral template used to construct spectra for each stellar particle.
    Template_LSF the line-spread-function assoicated with the template spectra in angstrom.
    Template_waveres the wavelength resolution given by the binning size in angstrom.
    Origin the version of SimSpin used to build the file.
    Date the date and time at which the SimSpin file was built.
  2. star_part - A data.table element containing properties of each stellar particle contained in the simulation. (NULL if no star particles are present in the simulation.)

    ID the unique stellar particle ID number.
    x, y and z the stellar particle positions in each of the 3 dimensions in kpc.
    vx, vy, vz the stellar particle velocities in each of the 3 dimensions in km/s.
    Mass the stellar particle mass in solar masses.
    sed_id the index of the spectrum associated with each stellar particle (i.e. the respective row in the spectra element below.)
    Metallicity the stellar metallicity of a given particle in units of solar metallicity. For nbody models, these values are assigned by the function. For any hydrodynamical simulations, these values are pulled from the simulation file.
    Age the stellar age of each particle given in Gyr. For nbody models, these values are assigned by the function. For any hydrodynamical simulations, these values are pulled from the simulation file.
    Initial_Mass the stellar mass of each star particle at the birth of the star (used for scaling spectra). For nbody models, these values are assigned by the function. We assume that the star has doubled in mass since its birth by default. For any hydrodynamical simulations, these values are pulled from the simulation file.
  3. gas_part - A data.table element containing properties of each gas particle contained within the simulation. (NULL if no gas particles are present in the simulation.)

    ID the unique gas particle ID number.
    x, y and z the gas particle positions in each of the 3 dimensions in kpc.
    vx, vy, vz the gas particle velocities in each of the 3 dimensions in km/s.
    Mass the gas particle mass in solar masses.
    SFR the instananeous star formation rate of the gas particle.
    Density the density of the gas within the simulation given in solar masses per kpc^3.
    Temperature the temperature of that gas particle in K.
    SmoothingLength the size of the the SPH smoothing kernel in kpc.
    ThermalDispersion the dispersion of each gas particle due to the thermal motion in km/s
    Metallicity the smoothed gas mass of elements heavier than Helium divided by the mass of the particle.
    Carbon the fraction of carbon within the particle, given as a fraction of its total mass.
    Hydrogen the fraction of hydrogen within the particle, given as a fraction of its total mass.
    Oxygen the fraction of oxygen within the particle, given as a fraction of its total mass.
  4. spectral_weights - A data.table element containing a map to the spectra and weights necessary to construct a spectrum from the associated template for each stellar particle, linked to each particle by the sed_id within the star_part element. Each row corresponds to the spectral weights associated with an individual sed_id.


Using a Gadget model stored within the SimSpin software, we can write a SimSpin file directly to the R environment with all other defaults:

# Load a Gadget model...
simulation_file = system.file("extdata", "SimSpin_example_Gadget", package = "SimSpin")
# ... use to build a SimSpin file. 
simspin_file = make_simspin_file(filename = simulation_file,
                                 write_to_file = FALSE)

Examining the SimSpin file produced, we can see that it contains:

#                    Length Class      Mode
# header                8   -none-     list    
# star_part            12   data.frame list   
# gas_part              0   -none-     NULL   
# spectral_weights      2   -none-     list   
  • header is a list that contains details of the file you’ve just created. This allows you to recreate this file in the future using the same information.
    # [1] "InputFile"        "OutputFile"       "Type"             "Template"            
    # [5] "Template_LSF"     "Template_waveres" "Origin"           "Date"        
  • star_part is a data.frame that contains the stellar particle information for that simulation. As the input model was an N-body model, this is a summary of both the disk (PartType2) and bulge (PartType3) particle properties. If the input model was a hydrodynamic simulation, this would just contain the stellar particle information (PartType4).
    #  [1] "ID"           "x"            "y"            "z"            "vx"           
    #  [6] "vy"           "vz"           "Mass"         "sed_id"       "Metallicity"
    # [11] "Age"          "Initial_Mass"
  • gas_part in this file is NULL as the input simulation was an N-body model. However, in the case that the input was a hydrodynamical simulation with gas particles, this would be a data.frame similar to star_part but summarising the gas particle properties instead.
    # NULL
  • spectral_weights is a list where each row describes the weights and ids of a spectral template associated with one group of stellar particles. These have been generated within the function for a distinct group of stellar particle ages and metallicities using the specified template spectra. Mapping between stellar particles and their respective spectral weights is given by the sed_id within the star_part data.frame. Each number sed_id corresponds to the element within spectral_weights list. Because the input simulation was an N-body model, we only have two associated spectra - one for the disk particles (with disk_age = 5 and disk_Z = 0.024) and one for the bulge particles (with bulge_age = 10 and bulge_Z = 0.001).
    #             V1        V2
    # 1:   5.0000000   2.00000  # lower Z id
    # 2:   6.0000000   3.00000  # upper Z id
    # 3:   0.8010222   0.60206  # lower Z weight
    # 4:   0.1989778   0.39794  # upper Z weight
    # 5: 161.0000000 181.00000  # lower Age id
    # 6: 161.0000000 181.00000  # upper Age id
    # 7:   1.0000000   1.00000  # lower Age weight
    # 8:   0.0000000   0.00000  # upper Age weight


Spectral Template Choice

Spectral templates provide a grid of modelled spectra for a known stellar population. The grid associates a stellar age and metallicity to each spectrum in the template. These are used throughout integral field spectroscopy to determine the stellar population properties of the observed galaxy.

In SimSpin, we follow this methodology in reverse. As opposed to fitting the spectrum to find the age and metallicity of the underlying stellar population, we use the stellar age and metallicity to assign a spectrum using the chosen template library. While the output is consistent between hydrodynamical and N-body models, we discuss the differences in methodology between these inputs below:

  • Hydrodynamical simulations track the age and metallicity of each stellar particle. We use these parameters to select the spectrum that should be associated with each star. Individual particles are initially binned into groups of age and metallicity with width 20 Myr and 0.1 Z respectively. Stellar particles that fall within each age-metallicity bin will be associated with a single spectrum. This simplification is made to reduce the number of spectra that need to be stored and hence optimise memory usage within SimSpin.
  • N-body models consider stellar particles as collisionless bulge and disk components, but do not model their the stellar properties of age and metallicity. These properties must be assigned before SimSpin can generate a spectrum. Of course, the values chosen will change the shape of the associated spectrum and the relative brightness of the individual constituents. Commonly, we assign different age and luminosity values to each population of particles to represent the younger, metal-rich disk and older, metal-poor bulge. This choice is arbitrary and depends on the science in question. To avoid systematic differences, the age and metallicity of all components can be set equal.

Available spectral templates include:

Name Age Steps Age Range (Gyr) Z Steps Z Range (Z) λ Steps (Å) λ Range (Å) σLSF (Å)
BC03lr 221 0 - 20 6 0.0001 - 0.05 842 91 - 20000 3
BC03hr 221 0 - 20 6 0.0001 - 0.05 6521 91 - 20000 3
EMILES 53 0.03 - 14 12 0.0001 - 0.04 20356 1680 - 20000 2.51

Now that you’ve built a SimSpin file, you can go one to set up the observations with a mock telescope…

Next Step: telescope

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Copyright © 2022 Katherine Harborne. Distributed by an GPLv3 license.

Page last modified: Aug 3 2023 at 03:57 PM.